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Aged 21 years from (2003-03-17)
Owner or Organization cta7cjuq4r0rkgs
Hoster China Mobile Communications Corporation
Registrar China NIC
Domain zone .cn
Alexa 92081
Reach 0.0053 %
Search 13 %
Pageviews per user 3.9 %
Bounce rate 34.2 %
Global pageviews 0.000199 %
Time on Site 3:6 min %
Trustwortness 90
Reliability 90
Child Safety 93
Privacy 90
Language zh
Daily Visitors est. 27 255
Daily Pageviews est. 106 294
Daily Revenue est. $ 245
Indexed pages 5 830 000
Backlinks 20
Domain rank 4 out of 10
Organic Keywords 0
PPC Keywords 0
Summary 20

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